About Coaching
“We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”
Joseph Campbell
What is coaching?
Coaching is a process whereby you and I work together to move you forward from where you are to where you want to be. It’s not consulting, advice giving, or mentoring, and it’s not a form of counseling or therapy. It’s about building your vision, growing, and moving toward an amazing future for yourself.
What happens during coaching?
You decide what to focus on for each session. Through questions and exercises, I help you discover greater awareness, vision, and new mindsets. Growth then occurs in the time between sessions as you dig into specific learning or action plans designed to help you explore new perspectives, find empowerment, gain clarity, set goals and overcome obstacles.
Discover Vision
Gain clarity to discover a greater vision for your future.
Find Fulfillment
Move into a greater place of wholeness and fulfillment.
Reach Goals
Attain the life goals and vision to which you feel called.
Experience Growth
Accelerate your growth and become the best version of you.
Schedule a Call
Let’s spend some time together to explore how coaching can get you where you want to be. The call is free!